Christianity is inherently embodied. Without reading the manual you could gather the public concept. The problem in solving a complicated quest for eternity is relying on crowd thinking for something so vital. Christianity needs unsupervised learning to re-initialize the parameters of belief. Which is why in your quest to know Jesus, it’s best that you unlearn everything you thought you knew. To be in the knowing is to never stop discovering. This thought system is mostly unconscious work known as “faith,” and the parameters of belief are shaped by the speculation in your segmentation or network. However it’s always bad when location limits your belief. More often than not, this God concept is humanized by religious leaders who conceptualize the abstract into metaphorical teachings to give a moral construct to humans.
The purpose was to point us toward earth’s golden door of knowledge and unlock human potential. The hidden layers to advancement is believing the unseen and unlocking the unseen with reasoning. Our superpower was meant to believe yet our leaders teach us to reconsider the details for limited metaphorical interpretation. We should use our belief to break the barriers of cognitive science through an ancient document that has been proven. The first step to robbing you of this, is to not integrate humanities and hard science into our aspects of reason. What seems impossible is merely innovation you chose to denounce every Sunday. Believe bigger.